CSO: Negaunee Institute School Concerts

CSO: Senior & Veterans Engagement Program​​  

​Joyful Sound Music Classes

Minnesota Musical Fitness Program

Montessori Music Classes

Music Explorers​​

Make Joyful Sound

Life Begins with Music​​

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About Me 

Interesting Information

The goal of Joyful Sound and Music Explorers classes is to assist caregivers in enabling their child to become tune-ful, beat-ful and art-ful by actively participating in informal music and movement activities based on traditional folk songs and rhymes.  Adults will learn how to sing, dance and play with their child together in class and at home through their experiences in Joyful Sound music classes.

Judy Meyer Hays has been working with music and children in various capacities for 40+ years! She has presented on a variety of topics at state music conferences in Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin as well as at the MENC (now NAfME) National Conference. Ms. Hays is a National Board Certified Teacher and actively involved in the Illinois Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance Project. She retired from Schaumburg School District 54 in 2017 where she taught K-6 general and vocal music for 25 years and is founder of the Palatine Children’s Chorus.  She has taught elementary music methods classes at Carthage College and Illinois Wesleyan University.  When not playing with her eight grandchildren, Judy volunteers as a docent for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra as well as writing curriculum for the Negaunee Music Institute, plans and leads Music Explorers, volunteer teaches general music at a local Montessori school and substitutes at weekend worship services.  Judy passionately believes in the power of music to make the world a better place!  

Interesting Information

    Joyful Sound Projects